Weed Science Research Group - People

Weed science research group photo 2021

The Weed Science Research Group is based at the Waite and Roseworthy campuses.

Our research environments are varied and include the molecular/biochemistry laboratory, field laboratory, glasshouses, greenhouses and out in the paddocks.


Dr Jenna Malone

Research: Developing strategies to mitigate and manage resistance to key herbicides.

Dr Peter Boutsalis

Research: Surveying for herbicide resistance in broadacre cropping weeds.

Dr Mahima Krishnan

Research: Auxinic herbicides in broad-acre cropping weeds

Dr Tijana Petrovic

Research: Auxinic herbicides in broad-acre cropping weeds

Ben Fleet

Research: Crop competition for weed management and maintenance of crop yield.

Dr Geetha Velappan

Field laboratory manager.

Malinee Thongmee

Field laboratory and field work.

Alicia Merriam

PhD: Herbicide-resistant common sowthistle and prickly lettuce: dispersal, seed biology and management in lentils.

Zarka Ramiz

PhD: Effect of ecological and genetic factors on seed germination of ryegrass and brome grass.

Rajesh Barua

PhD: Herbicide resistance in winter grass and its management.

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