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Use of drones to assess the performance of wheat in sodic soils

drone over crops

Honours project: Investigate wheat growth and yield in high-sodium soils using drone-mounted imaging techniques

[Read more about Use of drones to assess the performance of wheat in sodic soils]

Management practices to enable early wet season forage production in lowland rice production systems of The Lao PDR

Joshua Philp and Matthew Denton

Honours project: Explore management options to improve early wet season crop production in Lao PDR, southeast Asia

[Read more about Management practices to enable early wet season forage production in lowland rice production systems of The Lao PDR]

Effect of micronutrients on the growth of wheat in sodic soils

Plant accelerator

Honours project: Examine how micronutrient interactions alter the growth and ion concentrations of wheat in sodic soils

[Read more about Effect of micronutrients on the growth of wheat in sodic soils]

Improving wheat yields in dispersive soils


Honours project: Examine how wheat yield can be improved by increasing tolerance to different soil constraints

[Read more about Improving wheat yields in dispersive soils]

Identifying novel tolerance to subsoil constraints in a FIGS wheat set


Honours project: Identify wheat lines from around the world that are tolerant to subsoil challenges such as high salinity and soil pH

[Read more about Identifying novel tolerance to subsoil constraints in a FIGS wheat set]

A sweet treat? Salmonella in raw egg based desserts

Raw egg dessert

Honours project: Combine your interest in food science, animal science and biomedical science by investigating the the behaviour of Salmonella in mousse, tiramisu, and custard.

[Read more about A sweet treat? Salmonella in raw egg based desserts]

Brood guarding in a gregarious parasitoid wasp

Goniozus jacintae

Honours project: Examine how a variety of factors influences the brood guarding behaviour of a parasitoid wasp species

[Read more about Brood guarding in a gregarious parasitoid wasp]

Role of an RNA m5C methyltransferase during plant reproduction

Grains for health

Honours project: Investigate the role of an RNA m5C methyltransferase during early reproductive development as mutants abort early during seed development.

[Read more about Role of an RNA m5C methyltransferase during plant reproduction]

Design of biomimetic coatings to understand plant-pathogen relations


Honours project: Investigate how plant fungal pathogens adhere to and infect plant surfaces.

[Read more about Design of biomimetic coatings to understand plant-pathogen relations]

Structural studies of cell wall proteins involved during pathogenesis

protein crystals

Honours project: Study the structure of fungal cell wall proteins using ion mobility mass spectrometry and X-ray crystallography.

[Read more about Structural studies of cell wall proteins involved during pathogenesis]

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