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How climate change impacts fish populations

A damselfish at the volcanic seep in New Zealand.

Honours project: Gain an understanding of how ocean acidification will affect the behaviour and physiology of fish species.

[Read more about How climate change impacts fish populations]

Chironomids in extreme environments

non biting midge

Honours project: Non-biting midges (Chironomidae) are very similar to mosquitoes, and are masters at survival.

[Read more about Chironomids in extreme environments]

Early animal evolution: evidence from the Ediacaran & Cambrian

Honours project: Palaeontology meets biology and evolution. Explore animals from early in time.

[Read more about Early animal evolution: evidence from the Ediacaran & Cambrian]

Fossil history of selected plant taxa

Honours project: Explores a detailed examination of the fossil history of selected plant taxa.

[Read more about Fossil history of selected plant taxa]

Examining perceived wine complexity and how it impacts consumer preference

Honours in wine

Honours project: Investigate methods suitable to assess complexity of wines and collate a range of wines varying in perceived complexity.

[Read more about Examining perceived wine complexity and how it impacts consumer preference]

Influence of immersive virtual reality on consumers’ perception of wines

virtual reality

Honours project: Examine the impact of immersive VR on consumer perceptions of wine aroma and flavour and their wine preferences.

[Read more about Influence of immersive virtual reality on consumers’ perception of wines]

Modulation of the plant defence response by the fungal extracellular matrix

Plant science laboratory work

Honours project: Investigate the relationship between fungal plant pathogen secretions and the plant defence response

[Read more about Modulation of the plant defence response by the fungal extracellular matrix]

Evolution of photosynthetic organs in Acacia

Honours project: Explore the evolution of photosynthetic organs in Acacia.

[Read more about Evolution of photosynthetic organs in Acacia]

Tropical rainforest in Antarctic latitudes

Honours project: Examine fossil floras to help answer important questions about South Australia’s ecological history.

[Read more about Tropical rainforest in Antarctic latitudes]

Transcriptional control of GABA signalling in plants

Honours in Molecular and biomedical science

Honours project: Examine regulation of enzymatic pathway gene transcription in plants in response to changing environments.

[Read more about Transcriptional control of GABA signalling in plants]

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